
2.0 TWAP or above

1. Buy and stake $TREE in the Jungle.

2. Split $LEAF rewards: Split remaining $LEAF into TREE-WCRO LP or LEAF-TREE LP.

3. Stake your LP tokens Compound $LEAF earned back into the Jungle.

1.01-1.5 TWAP

  1. Purchase equal amounts of LEAF and WCRO to create LEAF-WCRO LP Tokens.

  2. Stake LP Tokens.

  3. Stake TREE rewards in Boardroom (do not sell LEAF or TREE, we are compounding).

  4. Combine rewards into LP Tokens and stake them.

Under PEG

  1. Purchase equal amounts of LEAF and WCRO to create LP Tokens.

  2. Stake LP Tokens.

  3. Buy more TREE and combined it with LEAF rewards to create LP tokens and stake LP Token.

Last updated